Please give a shout out and remember Doug Coombs today on the anniversary of his death. Rip Sir Douglas!
I found these videos of Doug on the web. Too cool!
Keep it Real-Nice old school footage of Doug from the early nineties.
Remembering Doug Coombs-Many memories of Doug, from his family and closest friends.
Doug Coombs-This is just awesome stuff.
I am sure that Sir Coombs is slaying the gnarliest lines in heaven where everyday is a phat powder day, and smiling down on us. He will never be forgotten. Thanks for posting this Steve.
Funny how Doug comes to mind when ever and where ever I ski in the Tetons.
Never will we forget.
Upon this Rock Poster
Just didn’t feel right not seeing Sir Doug of the Coombs around the guides office in the MOB at the village this season.Immortal in our appreciation of his vision.