Monthly Archive: June 2009

20 Posts Published

Missing the Powder Days

I am so missing the powder days and I’m bummed that I didn’t really get any June powder skiing this year. Here’s a little powder skiing video stoke from the North Couloir (AKA, Peaches Couloir) on Wimpys…one of my favorite places to ski powder in the park. The skiing on this day was great and […]

Black Diamond Factor Season Wrap up

In past years, I’ve rolled with only one pair of AT boots for the season, for 07/08 it was some Dynafit ZZeros, and the year before that it was a pair of Scarpa Spirit3s. This past season, I decided to try using two pairs of boots, some Dynafit ZZeros for longer tours into the high […]

Teton Climbing Website Up And Running

Photo Courtesy of It’s that time of year again when the parking lot fills up at Lupine Meadows trailhead and a line forms in the early morning hours at the Jenny Lake Ranger Station with people looking for permits and information on route conditions in the high peaks. Luckily for us, the rangers have […]

Michele Fait Dies on K2 Ski Expedition

Sorry to be such a buzz-kill, but I know some of you have been following Fredrick Ericsson’s expedition to attempt to ski Laila Peak and K2 this year.  Well, as you may know, Laila Peak is out due to not being able to get permits, and now…unfortunately, Fredrick’s partner, 44 year old Italian Michele Fait, […]

Randosteve's Reglue?

Sounds catchy…eh? I’ve been thinking about starting a skin re-gluing business. I have done it for a bunch of years at the store (and had pretty good results), but we stopped offering the service a couple years ago and I think it’s pretty hard to find anyone who provides it anymore…in any state. I thought […]

Goodbye Willie Neal

Wow, life sure throws you curve balls sometimes and it’s often really hard to know for what purpose certain thing happen. Yesterday morning I got a phone call from my boss informing me about the death of Jackson youth, Willie Neal. Willie was killed when a car stuck him while roller skiing on the side […]

Ranger Peak

Reed Finlay skis the East Face of Ranger Peak. The highest peak in the Tetons north of Mount Moran. I recently bought a little kicker 6HP motor for my drift boat, mainly for putting across Jackson Lake in the spring to access skiing. Sorry, not a very big fan of canoeing. It’s getting a little […]

Photo of the Day

Steve Romeo skins near Icefloe Lake in Grand Teton National Park. Photo: Dustin Lemke. Trip report here.  

New Additions to Nuun!!!

Bigger and Banana flavored Nuun hydration tablets! I don’t know about you, but whether its summer or winter, I have the hardest time drinking water and staying hydrated. I even have trouble drinking enough when I’m not skiing or running. I’m not sure why, but I just forget to drink a lot of the time. […]

Seasonal Depression…You too?

Funny, this post has been saved on my WordPress dashboard for about two years now and it’s interesting that today is the day I choose to post it. Recently, I saw something on FOX News (hey…it’s entertaining sometimes) about seasonal depression and this year it seems to be at an all time low…so I guess […]

Doggie Ragdoll Whiteouts

Courtesy of Teton Gravity Research. Support by shopping online at

Trail Running With The La Sportiva Wildcat

La Sportiva Wildcat. It’s getting to be that time of year again…what I call “transition season”. Basically its’ the time between spring…and winter. Some people refer to it as summer, but I’m allergic to that word, so I made my own season…transition season. As the snow quickly disappears and grey clouds fill the sky, I’ve […]

Got Crunchy Knees???

Seems like many of us skiers have pretty noisy knees. Crunching and popping as we climb up stairs or run down hills. Often it hurts when they make noise, as the cartilage, ligaments and bones grind together producing sounds that make your skin crawl. I’ve heard some impressive ones, but recently I was able to […]

FKNA! Extreme Verbier Part II

Some of you may remember last week’s Extreme Verbier video. Kaj Zackrisson also had a sicker line at the comp. Some may argue that Kaj’s run was not as fluid and hard charging as the second place line, but he nails some big airs in insanely step terrain with serious consequences in the event of […]

Mount Rainier: To Go…Or Not To Go?

Mowich Face and Emmons Glacier on Mount Rainier. So…for the past few weeks I’ve been planning a ski trip to Mount Rainer for later this week, with potential ski days being Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The plan was to leave Jackson late on Wednesday and arrive at Rainier on Thursday in time to get permits […]

RIP Jonny Copp and Wade Johnson, "The Sharp End" Segment

I’m not sure if I’ve met either of these two climbers, but they sure do look familiar. Our prayers go out to their families and friends during this challenging time. We also wish the best of luck for the search efforts to find Micah Dash, who is still missing. Here’s a video segment from the […]

FKNA! Xtreme Verbier

Are Double Pole Plants Considered Poor Style?

Okay, there’s side-stepping, side-slipping, rappelling, down-climbing, etc. For style geeks (Am I one?), all of these things take a little bit away from a rad descent where the skier makes smooth and fluid turns all the way down a line and through the crux. Sometimes these things can’t be avoided when you come upon a […]

Name That Couloir #16

Here we have another “Name That Couloir” photo sent in from one of our TetonAT viewers. I’m thinking giving a photo credit might help give away the answer, so I’ll plug one in once the line is guessed. Leave your answer in the comments section and as always, if you think you have a good […]

Northeast Ridge Variation, Mount Moran

Skiing the Northeast Ridge of Mount Moran has been on my Teton hit-list ever since I started getting more serious about ski mountaineering in the late 90’s. Reed Finlay and I made our first attempt at it in 2006, shooting for the line Stephen Koch did on the first descent, which continued past the gendarme […]