I was sitting here…uploading photos to the website when I came across this shot. Dustin Lemke took this of me skiing the Southeast Couloir on the South Teton on Jan, 25 2006, in about the best conditions possible. The pow/corn combo if I recall!!!

I was sitting here…uploading photos to the website when I came across this shot. Dustin Lemke took this of me skiing the Southeast Couloir on the South Teton on Jan, 25 2006, in about the best conditions possible. The pow/corn combo if I recall!!!
Sick shot!!
Looks super steep.
Do you remember the slope angle?
Sorry Shadfly…but I didn’t take a reading.
The steepest and scariest turns occur if you ski into the SE Couloir from the summit of the South Teton. I skied this part the first time I skied this route…this time we dropped in from directly above the couloir. You ski above some enormous cliffs with serious consequences. As you work into it, you get used to the angle…until you get to the awkward crux..which is the narrowest part of the couloir.
Tom Turiano states that the SE is over 60 degrees…which could be true. It is no doubt a sick Teton descent. Look for a TR on the anniversary of this particular descent (1/25/06).
Thanks for visiting the site Shadfly!!!!