While most of the time we get shiny new, gas guzzling, global warming contributing SUVs parked in front of the shop, occasionally a car with a story pulls up. This Nissan B2500 showed its face yesterday and its owner was more that happy to show it off. And Lou Dawson thinks he has car problems.

The grill, or lack there of, was one of the highlights and the headlights seemed to hover in mid air. I bet the engine stays cooler though in these ninety degree temps, but watch out for that radiator.

Safety first of course, and spectra slings are mandatory when webbing is so close to intense heat. It’s a good thing that that carabiner is rated to 22KN as well, but don’t you think it should be a locking carabiner?

Seatbelts are supposed to be on the inside of the car…right? Man, I hope it’s not attached to a child’s seat.

Pickup-1, Antelope-0. Unfortunately for the Nissan, the Antelope left its markbefore it became roadkill. Poor little Antelope.

This looked safe…can you say…flat tire!

The radio had it’s own problems…never mind going to eleven. I guess there is a pen cap jammed in the tape deck, that allows the radio to work…sometimes.

The bed was full of recycling, skateboard and a pair of AT skis. I wonder where shes going skiing? Hell, the skis and Fritschis are probably worth more than the car!

A classic beater mobile is nothing without an eco-loving bumper sticker.
That was an absolute beauty! Nice catch there Steve. The detailing was perfect.
Any chance you could put up a link to the TetonAT jingle? Polly requested it this morning and its always a good way to start the day. Plus, I think you are the only website out there with your own theme song.
Nice Spinal Tap reference Steve! You actually do find time to watch movies after all. I think you should get that sticker for your van. 🙂
I’ll work on the jingle link Andrew. Tell Polly I was thinking about doing a few different versions…country, rock, reggae. I guess the BIG day is coming soon too…aye? 😯
Get back to work Christi!!! 😉
Andrew…In the meantime…here is a link to the TetonAT Jingle. He he he. 😆
TetonAT Jingle
Hmmm, I was wondering when Romeo was going to start his automotive category (grin).
Awesome song. How many times do you sing those few lines on a round trip up the Grand?
I usually don’t resort to chanting to myself until the way down…and after the butt tree. More or less to get me through the last 5-10 minutes.
It’s weird how my mind wonders during these long runs though. I’ve thought about carrying some sort of recording device to log the crazy stuff that goes through my head. 💡