By: randosteve|Posted on: February 3, 2009|Posted in: Gear, Gear Reviews | 19 comments

Images courtesy of Teton Gravity Research.

Once again, the internet proves to be a very small place and updates on new gear from our friends across the pond at ISPO are starting to role in.   The latest looks to be a new alpine touring binding from SkiTrab called the TR-1.   The Tr-1 looks to be a sort of hybrid design of a Dynafit style toe-piece and a stripped down alpine heal piece.  Besides weight, a few big differences separate it from a Dynafit binding…which seem to be at the center of everyone’s crosshairs these days.  One being that the pins in the toe-piece (instead of the heal) will allow for lateral release ability.  Next, is that the TR-1 will have a DIN setting adjustable to 14.   Important if you’re hucking cliffs or have extra girth around the mid section which can warrant higher DIN settings.  The next big difference, and like the ONYX from G3, the TR-1 will be easily adjustable from tour to ski mode, and visa-versa…without removing your skis.  At 560 grams, the TR-1 is pretty light for a binding with a DIN to 14 and quite impressive.


Honestly, by the look of the size of this binding, it’s hard to believe that it will only weigh 560 grams. Especially if it has a DIN of 14 and questions about durability could arise. Also, I’m not completely sure how high your boot is off the ski, but if I recall when I started AT skiing in Alpine Trekkers, skinning was harder at times due to being so high (off the ski).   Maybe it won’t be a problem…or maybe your boot doesn’t really sit very high off the ski in the TR-1…I’m really just thinking out loud.  No word on pricing yet.  Any guesses?  I’m saying $549.