Just got home last night from a long weekend skiing in the Eastern Beartooths and camping in the Goose Lake area. Thanks to Nick (who was jacked on cigarettes and Sparks alcoholic beverage) who gave us a tow on his snow-machine for the first five miles of the approach, I didn’t get a chance to use my little gear sled. We had great weather and got in some fun skiing. Stay tuned for more from the trip!
Steve – I thought I saw you yesterday as you were leaving Yellowstone! I was in the Cooke City area over the weekend as well. Did you catch the lines on the FIN in Cooke? Corn Fest is always a good time and a way for Cooke to celebrate skiers, glad you could join in the fun.
Right on Jim! Saw the lines on the Fin…looked cool. We went into the range a bit deeper for a few days…so we missed the whole Corn Fest event. But we did catch a ride from a generous ‘biler. CC would be a cool place to spend the winter.
Hope you got out to the Glacier Peak area…or at least Wolf Mtn or Sawtooth. Pretty amazing out there…especially with the easy sled access to Goose. Courthouse mtn has some line N. facing lines as well…hope you guys killed it!
Steve – Yeah it would be cool to live in Cooke City but remember to bring a friend a really “close” friend and be prepared to see some pretty off the wall craziness. Cooke City is much like Alaska in the winter with about the same limited access. There are a few pretty hard-core skiers in town but many more slednecks which seem to get annoying after 6 months (not dissing on any of you slednecks – just sayin how it is). Once the road to the East Entrance is open you should check out Sylvan Pass ………….. I think there might be some good skiing there…….i think:+}
Seemed as such Jim…kind of a place where people go to disappear and get away from it all. Sounds appealing sometimes. Sylvan Pass sounds interesting.
I spent some time in Cooke back in the 90`s…true core shit right there….nothing but beer and rowdy BC skiing….even with the easy access I think Abiathar would be an atractive hit for you steve…look it up.
You mean the AC traverse? Wasn’t in our game plan…but looked sick.
That last pic is crazy (AC traverse)! Wish I were there, but my time is coming soon, someday, somehow, somewhere. SKI
My dear dog Chew has the 1st D.o.g Descent Back when he was a pup. mid 90’s
The Ac was not quite in so we opted for a quality Pow ski from the traverse.
He sure was curious to know if any other “dogs” had such a howl of a time.
Chew sounds like a stud!
yep thats exactly what I meant…Koch snaked the first snowboard descent days ahead of us…back in 99-ish?
at least I had heard he got it first…could easily been one of the other silent Cooke shredders nailin` that way back in the day.
i want that one
Looks like that doesn’t suck, great shot!