Hey Folks! Waiting for the winds to die down here in Franz Joseph, New Zealand, so we can fly into the Centennial Hut. Looks like some fine days in the forecast through the middle of the weeks. So, once we are there, we should have a good start to our adventure.
Check out this new Black Diamond video, “Ski Here Now”, part of a new webisode series. Catch you on the flip side!
SKI HERE NOW — webisode #0 from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.
Skiing. The purest form of the immaculate baby-jeesus-carpe-diem-mountains-love-shakra blah blah.
OMG! Talk about “fluff writing”. The opening couple of lines in this vid make the La Grave short sound like a Wall Street stock report. Enough Zen references, already. Let’s just go skiing, ferchrissakes!
I do not personally know Ptor but I have a couple of friends who do and from what I can understand he is skiing all over the planet on pennies. Perhaps he’s onto something to far beyond your raddness for you to understand and doing it with style. Right on Ptor.