Check out this innovative concept called the Sky-Step binding (be patient and ignore the hard to swallow intro…the unveiling comes at the end of the video) which uses the pendulum effect to automatically adjust the height of your heel risers as the slope angle increase or decreases. This looks like a pretty cool design, if it works correctly in the real world. I have a hard time believing that snow and ice wouldn’t foul this system up though. I guess you could always coat it in a Pam, Armor All, Rain-X combo. 😉 What do you think?
great idea! if it works….
the design looks like it would get gummed up pretty fast when breaking trail though, and, it looks like either you need a boot with some kind of catch-mechanism or the system is prone to fail if your boots get worn….
Seems to me that there could be better ways to do this…wonder why no one has?
Looks like a good binding to use on the desktop.
Kind of an interesting concept – I could see this getting adapted into an existing (dynafit-type) design.
I wonder if this will work as well as those sweet automatic shifting bikes that only old folks in Florida ride.
The most aerobic sport known to humankind, yet we need automatic heel-lifters?
Looks problamatic to me. Everyone is different in how they interpet the steepness of a skin track and how high/low they want their heel. I would also want to know I had something left on my boot heels to lock into my bindings for the down. They should package these with a flobee and a chia pet! Just stick with the Dynafits here
The feeling of my heel hitting that post all day would eventually bother me.
Still, it’s very clever, and a lot of people would just love it.
it could probably be designed so it isn’t in use when flat footed, but that would add one step to still having to adjust your heel height…making it just a little less useful.
It will break in 1,000,000 or less cycles