Yeah, I’m jonesing for some snow as much as you are and this freaking Jackson Hole Indian Summer is killing me!!! Anyway, I can’t help but share this video that is destined to become a classic on the interwebs and rate right up there with the Crazy Nasty Ass Honey Badger. Enjoy the laughs and be sure to check out Episode 2 of “Guy On A Buffalo”. Or, if you are really brave, there is always the original version and Full Buffalo Rider Movie (which is an hour and a half long…and actually quite good). Pray for snow and have a great weekend!!!
Modern versions have more cup holders.
Part III just came out… Check out “ultimate dog tease” also.
Its at least 90 in Lander today but that made me feel better. Thanks
Yep…to warm to comfortably rcok climb today.La Nina may still be on the way: