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Name That Couloir
Posted on: December 16, 2011
Posted in:
And I’ll give you
if you get it. 🙂
: In the Tetons…skied today.
Is that the slot east of the Koven?
South East of the South?
thanks for playing…but no.
-slot east of koven is a good guess…as some of the pictures look kinda similar. assuming this is the line you were referring to, tom.
-sliver is a very good guess…but that would be way to easy to have as a NTC post.
-again, it could look a lot like the bottom section of the SE on the south…but it’s not.
Ill take a stab in the dark. Albright S Couloir?
I believe I saw a photo of Brendan O’Neil skiing this shot in a Patagonia catalogue a bunch of years ago? I Can’t remember the name though? Maybe it’ll come to me.
no joy on the s couloir of albright. that one is definitely on my list though…seems like spring is the best time for it.
Is that the Turkey Chute with very little snow?
Irene on Disappointment Peak.
SW Couloir on the Middle Teton?
sorry fellas…no go again.
turkey chute doesn’t have as much rock, irene’s is steeper and sw on middle i don’t think is really skiable yet.
You said “Name That Couloir” not “What’s its name”
So, I will name it.
It shall be called:
The “Stupid Sexy Flanders Couloir” from now on.
When do I pick up my 10 bucks?
East hourglass couloir, nez perce
negative on east hourglass…again too obvious.
and homer…you’re a loser.
here is a hint…but it’s down to $10 now.
same line…same day.

When I dropped it into Google’s image search, it told me the photo of Beyoncé pra valer was very similar.
The sun is hitting you from the southeast. The stone is granite. It would be just east of the Exum Ridge if it actually looked like that.
Red Sentinel, with no snow?
bobby-son…you are getting very, very close.
use the force!
Then it must be the dike? That was my first thought, but I didn’t think it ever got that narrow.
it doesn’t get that narrow…it’s not the dike.
i don’t think this line is in any guidebooks…so you will need to do your research.
i figured someone would be in the park today and see our tracks. 😆
hehe, I cheated and saw you guys on the way up yesterday. but no dice anyway. wawawa
hahaha…that must have been you we saw at the lake in the am? did you follow our skin track above the meadows? freaking amazing witch’s caldron/cloud/fog effect that day. AWESOME!
lots of nooks and crannies out there…
Teepe Chimney?
Okie’s Thorn Couloir?
looker’s right fork of Dike Couloir on Grand
I need that 10 bucks!
congrats tom! well, at least the guy whole wrote the guidebook got it. come by the shop to claim your sixer. i’m there daily until the 22nd.
okie’s couloir, or okie’s thorn couloir…a small sliver of snow located below the HUGE south side of the east face of the grand teton. skied a short way down the dike couloir, made an exposed traverse and down-climbed into okie’s couloir. climbed to the top…the skied from the red dot. a little video edit to come.
view of okie’s couloir from the summit of disappointment peak.

Descent off of Corkscrew Arete, Fairshare Tower?
well, that sounds sickter, too. gonna have to give me the beta. 😉
Nice, new one for the list. That was us at the lake. Beautiful day, got some great cloud pics. We didn’t follow you above the meadows, we were messing around by the hourglasses and saw you working your way up. Way to keep the skis on your feet the whole way to the Teepee!
some may argue differently, but that’s where trimming your skins “wall-to-wall” (w/ zero edge showing) will get you. superior grip going uphill on firm/icy snow.
i hate stopping and fiddling with ski-crampons, or taking a knee-fall when skinning, or slipping backwards, or having to bootpack short stretches that could be skinned…so i want the most climbing performance i can get out of skins.
Nice job Tom! I was gonna talk to you about it last night but you never got a break– then I was told by the rules committee not to mention it to ANYONE! Way to Play!
“i don’t think this line is in any guidebooks”
Were you asking what feature it was near?
Are you naming it “okie’s thorn couloir”?
Is there some official Park Directory of place names which lists it as OTC?
If it can’t be found online under that name (except here) or in any book then the name ‘Okie’s Thorn Couloir’ is just as valid as Homer’s choice above. Homere just didn’t have a clue WHERE it was (well, off by 2000′).
Is this just a name of your convenience due to its proximity to the Thorn or do you have some official reference?
LD…what do you suggest it be called? Seems like Okie’s Thorn Couloir is the most logical name. But of course, some dude may come out of the woodwork and say they got the first descent in 1992 and named it…”LD’S Couloir”…or something lame like that.
Your point is missed, LD. I’m sorry if the lack of snow has you so bent out of shape. Perhaps a descent of Okie’s Couloir might help?
Steve, how do you like the Aspects? Do you like the width for steep, tight turns?
I appreciate your ability to not put up with any shit!
OMR…i like the Aspects on firm snow. they are so freaking light that i feel like i can skin forever with them as well. i don’t really like them too much in softer snow though, as they are a bit too turny for my taste.
they are my rocks skis right now…and they have been taking a beating so far this season.
thanks tom. you would think that i was falsely claiming a first descent of the couloir, or something. the thing is, if someone was to have guessed, “that line skier’s left of dike couloir” i would have excepted that as a winning answer.
people… 🙄
Hey Steve,
I am guessing that you have had a chance to give most of the BD Skis a try. It sounds like you like the Justice and the Aspect. I am looking for a lighter powder ski that is in the Manaslu-Drift-Voile Vector Arena. Do you like the Drift? Prefer the Aspect? I tried out the 185 Justice and they are really cool but the thought of putting in long days on such a big ski seems a bit daunting and they dont seem to pair well with the TLT 5.
Tyler…i love the 17t justice with my TLT5s…but I would think a bigget boot might be warrented for the 185s, depending on you weight and skiing style.
I like the drift much more that the aspect, but the aspect is nice for longer, bigger objectives. I’ve been mainky sking my rock skis so far this year, which are a 186 drift and 176 aspect. Usually I pair the drift with quadrants and the aspect with TLT5s…depending on the day/tour. I aldo have some 176 drifts that i use with TLT5s, but thy are in too good of condition to use right now, considering the thin snowpack.
I would pick the drift over the aspect anyday as an everyday ski though…and the justice over the drift as a pow ski.
Sorry for any typos…commenting via smartphone in the airport. Looks like I’m bringing home the snow though. 🙂
Thats a huge help. I have heard quite a few people give negative feedback on the drift but the dimensions are exactly what I am looking for…I am slowly learning that it is a personal preference on the feel of a ski. I will definitely check them out with a TLT 5 and see how they fit my style. Thanks again!
Glad to help tyler. The Drift is soft longitudinally, but torsionally it is quite stiff. I think your weight and ski size prefference can make a huge difference in opinions regarding performance. Another thing to remember is that the Drift is a backcountry ski, so if you want a beefier 100mm ski, the verdict would be the better choice.
Feel free to get in touch via email if you have any more questions.