Considering the Jackson Hole region is predicted to receive 2-3′ of snow in the next 24-48hrs, along with wind gusts approaching 100mph, we will no doubt see a spike in the avalanche danger. Because of this, I think this little avalanche and skiing safety video is appropriate, and I like it because it isn’t as preachy as some avalanche safety lessons can be. It was made by the Italian Alpine Club and is geared toward a “younger audience”, but I figure we are all kids at heart and I got a chuckle or two from it. Enjoy.
That Giuliana hangs with a rough crowd.
Steve, this was awesome – I’ve got to share this! Especially after the rough weekend we’ve had here in the PNW. Thanks dude.
I guess girls are smarterer then boys.
The ski resorts should make everyone that buys a ticket watch this video at least once before going up on the hill