By: randosteve|Posted on: February 22, 2008|Posted in: Broken Link to Photo/Video, International | 12 comments

Old Town Geneva

This doesn It was immediately evident the amount of wealth in Switzerland as soon as we got off the plane. Watch and banking adds specific to every ethnicity lined the walls. I wonder if there is such a thing as a bank for people with no money, this would be the place to find it. After getting our bags at the Geneva airport, our first mission was to try and figure out the bus situation. Switzerland is one of the few counties to not have converted to the Euro and our Swiss Francs didn’t seem to fit into the machine that gave us bus tickets.

Ethnic Banking

Baby beef sausageWe eventually figured it out, got on the right bus, and found our hotel without any hassles. Our hotel is right next to Les Avenchets…the projects of Geneva. Much like the affordable housing in Jackson, this low income housing still has a pretty good view. We were all pretty hungry, so we went across the street and ate at a Migro…which is a popular place and offers a gourmet buffet. Zahan told me that one of Switzerland’s specialties is the baby beef sausages, so I went in head first and had some.

Projects with a view

Broken ChairWe went for a short run to loosen up after the long day of traveling and passed by the International Labor Offices. I made sure not to get too close, cuz labor just isn’t my thing. A few turns later we passed by the European headquarters of the Untied Nations…and that was kind of cool…I guess. A sculpture of a large chair with a broken leg sat across the street and was a symbol for an organization that was formed to fight against underground, exploding mines.

United Nations

Big chess gameFor lunch on Friday, Zahan and I cruised down town for our fix of chocolate, watches and culture. We passed by a park where some people were playing chess on a giant game board. I remember seeing the same thing in Christchurch in New Zealand and I wonder if they do this in the states too. We toured up to the old part of town and made our way by the Saint Pierre Cathedral, the oldest church in Geneva, which is predominately of protestant belief.

Saint Pierre Cathedral

Chocolate heavenOn behalf of His Royal Blogness, Lou Dawson, and his guess that pastry posts during his trip to Europe earlier in the winter on, as well as his donation to the TetonAT Switzerland Fund, I will play the same game with a Swiss twist. So instead of pastries…we have truffles and watches. Can you guess that truffle and the price of following watch? Leave your guess in the comments.

Guess that truffle Guess the price of the watch

I’m really ready to get out of the city and into the mountains and it seems like I haven’t skied in days. Our first day at the Ski Mountaineering World Championships (SMWC) consists of registration, gear check and opening ceremonies. In 2006 I carried the flag and got a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. I think there are around 28 countries represented and over 450 racers registered. Au Revoir!