More Powder

Reed Finlay gets set to lay down a fat smear turn in the big snows on Friday morning. The crown of the natural avalanche can be seen in the upper right corner. I had plans last Friday to try and ski a pretty cool line I’ve been looking at for long time now, but the […]

Frozen Death Cookies on Shadow Peak

Randosteve tries to stay out of the refrozen debris in the South Couloir of Shadow Peak. I’ve been getting out the past couple days. On Wednesday I was on a solo mission scoping out some lines, but only skied Turkey Chute. It was mostly boiler plate.I skied Turkey Chute and it was pretty darn wind […]

Video: Skiing Prospector’s Apocalypse Couloir

I skied Apocalypse Couloir with Harder last week. It was Brian’s first time skiing it and that gave me a good excuse to let him do most of the trail breaking. Thanks Bra! I also used it as a way to get my mind right so to speak and it was the first run on […]

TR: Chamonix, France

As anticipated, Sunday broke bluebird with a reported 30cm of new snow high in the mountains and lots of wind overnight. Surprisingly we were on the ball and out of the hostel just after 7am in hopes of catching one of the first few trams up the Agui du Midi. Unfortunately, the cable had gotten […]

To Chamonix

Greybird skies on the Agui du Midi. After the Ski Mountaineering Word Championships in Champery, wet, dreary weather was forecast for the area. Our original plan was to spend a couple nights at the Bertol Hut in the shadow of the Matterhorn, but none of us were looking forward to a potential needle in a […]

Video: Mini-Golf Couloir Skiing on Prospector Mountain

Just posting this video before heading to the Geneva airport to head home. We stayed with Nicholas Combe one of the coaches of the Swiss Ski Mountaineering Team and his wife Severine Pont-Combe who is one of the top two, if not the top, female racers on the team. They were super hospitable and even […]

Hello From Chamonix

Just one day skiing here in Chamonix before having to hit the road and deal with getting back to Jackson. I’ve had very limited time and access to the web, so sorry no updates in the past few days…and probably not much going on here until around mid week. We caught one day of really […]

Guest TR: 11's Couloir, Peak 10,960

Wet and rainy conditions welcomed the racers, but Brandon French toughed it out and was the first American, and first in his start group, to cross the finish line. Challenging conditions for all racers and props to the other US team members for gutting it out to the finish. Italian Guido Giacomelli won it for […]

TR: Geneva, Switzerland

It was immediately evident the amount of wealth in Switzerland as soon as we got off the plane. Watch and banking adds specific to every ethnicity lined the walls. I wonder if there is such a thing as a bank for people with no money, this would be the place to find it. After getting […]

A Quick Hello!

One more day in Geneva before heading to Champery and the WC. The weather is nice now, but it looks like it hasn’t snowed in a long time. The flights went pretty smooth and we had a small scare with Zahan’s ski bag, but we all have our bags now. Went out to dinner last […]

Off to Switzerland!

The Dents de Midi. I’m out the door today on my way to Switzerland! My flights go through Denver, Washington DC, Munich and then on to Geneva. I’ve got some Ambien to help me get some rest and sleep…and hopefully help me deal with some of the jetlag. I struggle with sleeping on planes, all […]

Moon Walk Couloir on 25 Short

I managed to get out for some more mini-golf type couloir skiing before work on Friday. The objective was Moon Walk Couloir which drops into the south fork of Avalanche Canyon from Devil’s Ridge between 25 Short and Peak 10,696. Surprisingly I’ve never skied it before, so was pretty jazzed to get ‘er done! The […]

Thanks for the Donations!

Raised so far. It’s not too late to donate! I just wanted to recognize all those that have donated to the TetonAT Switzerland Fund before I head overseas on Weds morning to race in the World Ski Mountaineering Championships. Thank you for your enormous generosity!!!! I’m feeling pretty good right now and I just need […]

Prospector's Limp Noodle? Spaghetti?

Sunrise from Granite Canyon trailhead. I was SO psyched to go skiing last Friday. Sunny days have been few and far between this season and I’ve missed most of them by being on the road or having to work. I was no doubt bummed when I saw the Moose-Wilson Road blown-in in on Friday morning […]

The Other Oils on Prospector Mountain

Reed and I skied these two lines yesterday Dubbed Canola and Peanut Oil. I skied a couple fun lines off of Olive Oil yesterday that I don’t think get skied very much…for a total of 7,000″ of vertical. The original plan was to go big out of the Death Canyon trailhead, but when Reed and […]

US Women Take Second in TSF Millet

Courtesy: Ski Staying on the rando racing theme today…congrats to US Ski Mountaineering Team members Nina Silitch and Lyndsay Meyer on their 2nd place finish in the recent TSF (Tournette Sources du Fier) Millet in Les Aravis, France. The TSF has become one of the bigger races in the European rando race circuit and […]

Laps on the Pass…North and South

Very little traffic on the Pass for a Satuday. WYDOT made the stealth opening of Teton Pass Friday night after nearly two days of closures. I was going solo and must have checked the webcam 20 times waiting for some cars to start showing up on the webcam on Saturday morning. After a mediocre day […]

Powder Pics

Note: Thanks to all those that have donated so far to the TetonAT Switzerland Fund. The biggest donation has been $100 (family…gotta love em…your too Loeffler) and the smallest has been $5…which I am just a greatful for. Thank you all for your support! Ghost skier sighting on Wimpys. Once again I got my days […]

More Powder on Wimpys

Randosteve breaks off a cornice on top of Wimpys on Saturday. After the blizzard on Friday and with the 14” of new snow in the mountains on Saturday, Reed and I braved the high avalanche danger and ventured to Wimpy’s for a day of breaking trail though thigh deep wind drifts. The track was completely […]

WasatchAT: Kesler Peak, East Couloir

After a decent nights sleep, I awoke to about 6” of snow on the van parked in Sugarhouse. As I pulled out to go to my friend Guy Evan’s house, it was evident that the streets hadn’t been plowed and many two wheel drive cars were struggling…if not completely in the ditch. Guy lives at […]