Weather Busts Gannett Push

Alpenglow lights up Squaretop Mountain and the peaks of Porcupine Creek The forecast for weather was up to 40% by the time we left Jackson at 4 am on Monday morning, some snow was also predicted. Not the best conditions for a speed attempt on Gannett Peak, but my stubbornness kept the trip on track […]

Going for Gannett

I’m going for a speed mission to Gannett Peak in the Wind River Mountains with Julia today. The plan is to leave Jackson at 4am Monday morning, and drive to the Green River Lakes trailhead. We should be able to move pretty fast on the road at that time, so we are hoping to be […]

Off to Heartbreak Ridge

The crux of Heartbreak Ridge (III, 5.7) is near the nose, about a quarter of the way down from the top I’ve got the next couple of days off from work and I’m going climbing with Julia in the park. I’ve been climbing more than I have in years this summer and it will be […]

Views From Above

Awesome views of the north side of Buck Mountain down to Phelps Lake. Looks like there are still some icebergs in Timberline Lake too. I’ve always told myself that I was going to wait until I was 40 to seriously think about taking up the sport of paragliding. I’m not totally sure why, but I […]

Bus de Tofana (Hole in the Tofana)

Number 6 is the Bus de Tofana After skiing the Piz Boe Direttissima, we decided to try and nail the ‘Hole in the Tofana” on the Tofana di Mezzo on the drive back to Cortina. You can access this route via the chairlifts of the resort with a short hike, but that would be too […]

Piz Boe Direttissima-Val de la Fontane

The Sella group in the Dolomites has got to be one of the raddest spots to ski couloirs in the world. There are many lines that are accessible within and hour or two long tour from the Passo Pordoi tram and range from casual 40 degree lines to the ultimate in mandatory rappel 60 degree […]

Canal Staunies Nord: Dolomites, Italy

Number 17 is the Staunies Nord on Mount Cristallo While in Italy for the World Skimo Championships in 2006, I was able to spend some time in the Dolomites skiing my favorite type of terrain…splitter couloirs. There are endless options for the steep skier and I would travel all the way back to ski one […]

New PR on the Grand Teton

My new PR for car to summit on the Grand Teton I’ve been feeling like a slacker aerobically lately, so I decided to run the Grand today. It is the best workout we have and all. I managed to best my personal record for CTS (car to summit) by five minutes and my CTC (car […]

Dike Pinnacle: East Ridge to Koch’s Couloir

In June of 2006, Reed Finlay and I skied the East Ridge of the Dike Pinnacle on the Middle Teton and then continued on to ski Koch’s Couloir down to the moraine. Here’s the trip report for the archives. I remember this descent vividly because it stands out a one of my favorite late season […]

Light and Fast on the Grand Teton

WARNING: Free soloing is dangerous and not recommended. Rock climbing without a rope and protection is extremely risky and the smallest slip could result in death. Julia Heemstra on her way towards the Upper Saddle and a sub 4 hour ascent of the Grand Teton with Table Mountain in the background. The Eye of the […]

2007 Slide Show

Well…unfortunately it looks like my 2006/7 Teton ski season is over. Other areas of the country are still skiing what looks like good snow, but around here the snow is pretty much fried. I may get out for some novelty turns later in the summer, but for all intents and purposes, I’ve hung up my […]

Video TR: Jackson Peak

Last Tuesday (the 15th), I skied three laps on the north side of Jackson Peak. It was great! Here’s another video recap….with a little skiing (and wildlife) this time! I know I’m a dork in these videos, but I’m going solo…so what the hey! 8) Gros Peak with Pinnacle Peak in the distance These lines…right […]

Video: Amora Vida Couloir on the South Teton

I’ve been fiddling with the video function of my digi-cam here at I shot some stuff of Brian Ladd skiing the Southeast Face to Amora Vida Couloir on the South Teton a while back, and put together this little clip. Obviously it’s not TRG or an HD bit from Trackhead…and I shot it on […]

Video TR: Mount Hunt-North Face

This is the line I skied on Mt Hunt. With more snow, a more direct line to the skier’s left can be taken as well. Here is a little clip from skiing Mount Hunt on Tuesday. I started at 4:45 AM from Death Canyon and was skiing at 8:30. Sorry…no ski footage (since I was […]

Prospectors Mountain-Rimrock Couloir

Note: Many of the routes on Prospectors (including this one) are closed from Nov. 1 to April 30…to protect bighorn sheep winter range. Rimrock Lake is one of the more difficult places to get to in the Tetons. It sits high on the northwest side of Prospectors Mountain and holds some cool terrain to be […]

Guest TR: Gannett Peak-North Face

While the Tetons are looking pretty thin right now, the rest of Wyoming is sounding pretty good. I got word that conditions out of Elkhart Park are prime right now. J-Holer’s Mike Calla and Kyle Steger were able to drive to the trailhead and then skin all the way to Titcomb Basin last week. They […]

Bubble Fun Couloir-Skied It…But Didn’t Ski It

Gabe gets back to skiing after a short down-climb as Zahan looks down the Bubble Fun Couloir The Bubble Fun Couloir on the north side of Buck Mountain has to be one of the hairiest descent routes in the Tetons. It is extremely steep, has a very exposed entrance, and ends in a 200′ foot […]

Wind River Glacier Awareness on NPR

Gannett Peak rises in the distance Wyoming Public Radio’s weekly news program, “Open Spaces,” features a group of Jackson skiers, who climbed and skied the state’s highest peak to raise awareness about global warming. Lead by Jackson mountaineer Forrest McCarthy, the group skied Gannett Peak in the Wind River Mountains, which encompasses the greatest concentration […]

Reports from the Grand Teton

I wouldn’t consider myself an expert on skiing the Grand Teton, but I have skied it a few times in both powder and spring-snow conditions, and feel I have a good idea of what to expect up there. Recently, I’ve gotten some trip reports from others who have had successful descents on the mountain in […]

Mount Owen-Northeast Snowfields

The Northeast Snowfields is probably one of the most coveted routes for a ski mountaineer here in the Tetons. It is big, committing, and depending on conditions, requires at least one rappel. Lucky for me, I was invited to join climber/skiers Hans Johnstone and Brendan O’Neil for a ski descent in May of 2005. We […]