Diagonal Couloir-Mount Owen

Well today is my Friday at work and I’m off to do some intervals on Snow King this morning. It is a bit warmer today and I look forward to some days off. I have some tentative plans to go big…but we will see what is up with the weather. Note: This TR is from […]

Spoon Couloir-Disappointment Peak

I was psyched to get out today! It was my last of three days off from work and the skies were blue and the snow was powder. Today was my first ‘official’ ski trip with Brian Harder. Though we have hooked up a few times randomly and talk about racing in the shop all the […]

My First 10,000′ Day of the Season

Another 5” and clearing skies were a great excuse to try to ski 10’000′ today. Reed and I were the first ones in the lot and a couple inches of fluff covered that trail. The Tetons are an OK place to go for big vertical, although up to an hour can be wasted getting to […]

Filling in on Wimpys

I would say that yesterday was the best day of the season so far…powder-wise. The avy report said 5″ this morning. I’d sat about a foot by noon. Though it rained for a bit in town yesterday, it seemed as though it was all snow in the mountains. We still need more snow, but at […]

Intervals on The King

I had a decent day of training yesterday on Snow King. Most of the time I skin straight up the mountain to the switchback taking you to the Cougar chair. I then do intervals on the upper switchbacks. When I get to the top, I rip the skins and ski back down to that same […]

Sentinel Couloir-Dissappointment Peak

It has been a long weekend of working and partying, but unfortunately not much skiing. I’m working today but doing intervals on Snow King this morning. I won’t really be rando racing until February…so I still have some time to whip myself back into shape. I have the rest of the week off from work, […]

Southwest Couloir-Teewinot

Note: I am off work today and I think I am heading up to ski Wimpy’s. It looks like we only got a trace of new snow last night, but it is supposed to snow all day. Hopefully the wind will help and fill in the tracks before we get to the top. This TR […]

East Hourglass Couloir-Nez Perce

I was running solo yesterday so I thought I would take advantage of the track we put in to Garnett Canyon the day before. The Nismo was the only car in the lot when I left at 8:30 and I wondered where everyone was…this is the ski mountaineering capital of North America and all. I […]

The Sliver-Nez Perce

It’s only -5 F…balmy! I’m going back up into Garnet Canyon today, solo. I think I will ski the East Hourglass Couloir…might look at the Ellingwood on the Middle Teton. Here is a TR from yesterday’s tour. Minus 16 degrees (F) does not rally you to get out of the warm house too fast, but […]

South Couloir, Teewinot

Note: Good Morning! Reading -16F at the airport this morning…brrrrr! I’m skiing The Sliver on Nez Perce today with Dustin Lemke. This is a TR from a great trip skiing the main South Couloir of Teewinot on December 17, 2004. Having found good coverage in the mountains lately, I figured a larger objective, the South […]

Wanda Pinnacle-SE Face

Note: Unfortunately I am working today, but in an effort to populate this site, here is a TR from a trip I did on December 16, 2005. Wanda Pinnacle is the peak to the east of Mt. Wister in Avalanche Canyon. There are some lines in the Tetons that you look at all the time […]

High Winds in the Mountains Today

The big news on the Pass and in the backcountry today was the winds. Brian Harder and I predicted 50-70 mph. The bigger gusts would knock you down…a good indicator when the winds really cook! I just checked the weather station at the Village and we were right on…67 mph at 7:45 and 10:15. Anyway, […]

Powder on the Pass!

Many skiers were psyched yesterday morning to see that 13” had fallen in the mountains in the last 24hrs….with more predicted throughout the day and tonight. Roads kept the traffic to a crawl, and Dustin, Reed and I weren’t on our way till after 8:30 am. We had plans to ski in the park, but […]

Buck Mountain-East Face

NOTE: The snow is falling pretty good today…finally. Unfortunately I’ve been working the last few days, but I look forward to skiing the pow (lots of it) later this week. I did manage to get out for some intervals on the King this morning with my race gear. I was a little queasy from all […]

Prospectors: The Pencil

NOTE:This TR is from December 10, 2005. When conditions are right, the Tetons can provide good coverage by mid December and I have had many fun, steep, technical descents in the ‘cold smoke’ powder of the last month of the year. Reeders recently pointed out a line that has attracted his eye every time he […]

My Favorite Photo

I was sitting here…uploading photos to the website when I came across this shot. Dustin Lemke took this of me skiing the Southeast Couloir on the South Teton on Jan, 25 2006, in about the best conditions possible. The pow/corn combo if I recall!!!

South Sentinel Couloir

Note: OK, just click on thumbnails for larger images…thanks.     I couldn’t find anyone to ski with yesterday, so I went on a solo adventure back up into Garnett Canyon. I checked the temps when I woke up, the Airport read 10F…the top of the Village said 20F…a nice inversion! The sun was rising […]

Hourglass Couloir-Cold and Crazy!

Note: To view larger images, please right click and select view images…thanks! Cary Smith called me this weekend, inquiring about skiing the Hourglass Couloir on Nez Perce with Brian Harder. After getting a feel for the snow conditions in the park on the past couple tours, I figured that the couloir should be skiing great […]

Early Season Conditions on Wimpys

Note: Some of you have requested that thumbnails in the posts open in a larger window. For the time being…right click on the image and select view image, thanks. Trying to stay away for Teton Pass these days before the Village opens, I went skiing in GTNP again today…Wimpy’s Knob. Some say don’t go, if […]

Peak 10,696/Maverick-First Park Tour

Today was my first Park tour of the season. Conditions are still quite thin down low but the snow up high was great! The temperature was -5F at the trailhead and we could feel it in our lungs. We followed a skin track across Whitegrass Meadow, to the top of Maverick and found some sunglasses […]