Gribes goes to Acongcagua

Good luck to John Griber and Company on their way to Aconcagua to attempt to climb, and then ski/board the Polish Glacier Route. Their adventure will be fallowed closely on Doug Stoups website John is in the thick of it right now as far as adventure traveling goes…with a trip to India this winter […]

Table Mountian-A Yearly Ritual

This season’s tradition of skiing Table Mt finally came to fruition. After a couple weeks of weather and scheduling conflicts, I was able to posse up with my ski partner Reed Finlay, his wife Rebecca and friend Samantha Worthington for a great day on the Idaho side of the Tetons. The day started overcast but […]

Skiing in New Zealand Part III

We quickly had a gear explosion and repacked for quick afternoon outing to sample the goods. A short couloir on Mt Abel at the head of the Glacier (dubbed Hole #1) caught my eye and we made our way to the top for some bonafide NZ ‘kung-fu’ turns. Once in the hut we made do […]

Skiing in New Zealand Part II

After a few days we started to get antsy waiting for the weather to break, so we picked out a nice gully to ski. A 1000′ of hiking up scree brought us to the snow line which proved to be unconsolidated from the rain and warmer temps. I remember thinking to myself ‘this sucks’ as […]

Skiing in New Zealand

I was fired up upon leaving for this trip. I was in prime physical shape from a summer of trail running and ultra-marathon training, as well as always having the skifluenza bug. I drove down to Park City to meet up with Andrew McLean. After some final gear organizing and final tweaks to my new […]

First Turns on the Pass

Last night it snowed…so I went skiing. This is my first ski trip since going to New Zealand it if felt great. Most of the snow has melted on the sunlight aspects, but a nice crust layer has formed were the snowpack has been able to hold on through the rain and warm temps. Glory […]

Jackson Peak-

Joel Canale-Dolomites, Italy

This trip report is from March 9, 2006. The Joel Canale was the first coulior I choose to ski based mainly on it’s easy access from the Passo Pardi tram. The coulior directly faces you from the dock, so you can totally see what you are getting into. We Americans stick out like sore thumbs […]

French Spy Bowl

This trip report is from November 21, 2005 and my first trip to the French Spy Bowl on Togwotee Pass. Sometimes the surrounding ranges are the better choice for early season coverage. The Absorkas, of Togwotee Pass, can often collect a fair amount of snow and also provide sick lines for those that just…can’t…wait, like […]

Table Mountain-First Teton Turns

This trip report is from November 20, 2004, and is what we have to look forwards to. In addition to the grassy slopes on the south side of Teton Pass, I recently have started to make an annual, early season venture to Table Mountain…to ‘get further away’. The north-facing bowl off the peak tends to […]

First ‘Real’ Snow in the Tetons

Funny that one of the first few posts here is of skiing on the first snow of the 2006/07 season. It snowed to the valley floor on the night of Thursday, September 21st and created havoc in many Jackson areas. Many of the leaves are still on the aspen trees and the weight of a […]

Going Big!!!

I can’t wait…I’m headed to New Zealand in a couple weeks to do some steep skiing, as well as attempt a coveted first descent from the summit of Mount Cook. The skiing in this area is amazing and huts, financed by the New Zealand Alpine Club litter the park on a first come, first serve […]